Make your own iPod battery-pack and recharger! Build your own MintyBoost: a small and simple (but very powerful and very MAKE-like) USB charger for your iPod (or other mp3 player), camera, cell phone, and any other gadget you can plug into a USB port to charge.
The charger circuitry and 2 AA batteries fit into an Altoids gum tin, and will run your iPod for hours, 2.5x more than you'd get from a 9V USB charger! You can use rechargable batteries too.Is good for outdoor activity while you travel.
in the mrt train,busstop,shopping mall,school,at beach,your lunch time.
Some soldering is necessary, but even if you never soldered before it should be pretty easy. Tested with iPod nano/mini/photo/video/shuffle, Blackberry, iPaq, LuxPro Tangent, Rio Carbon, Samsung T809 and more.
Cost about very cheap
you can buy those ciruit board from sim lim tower.$2 to $5
USB cable from sim lim square cost about .$2 to $6
those candy box cost $2.50-4.50
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